Owner : Gareth Robb

Home Base : Johannesburg International (FAJS)

Bases : 7

Pilots : 14

Jobs Completed : 1137

Heaviest Load : 501331 lbs

Longest Distance : 6393 NM

Reputation : 61.85%

Net Worth : R 37 198 370.00

Cash : R 51 818 370.00

PHASE ONE                                  (COMPLETE)

The first phase of the business will be to open 3 strategic bases within the southern part of Africa (South Africa). The main hub for the business would be Johannesburg International. Starting of with smaller prop sized aircraft.


PHASE TWO                                 (COMPLETE)

 The Second phase would see The Company evolve to the jet age. The Company has decided that the main surplier of aircraft to us would be Boeing, with one additional variant from Airbus and one additional variant from Lockheed. These will be announced closer to the time.


PHASE THREE                              (COMPLETE)

This phase would see The Company move into a more international market. Plans are to open hubs on the Australian continent. Larger aircraft will be ordered to be able to travel these distances.


PHASE FOUR                             (IN PROGRESS)

Phase four would see The Company expand to Asia, and Europe. Also to be accomplished in phase four, would be to establish a domestic and international department structure for the business.



In this phase we would like to expand to the rest of the world including USA. This would be the biggest and most demanding phase of the business. In the USA alone we would like to have atleast one hub in each state. And in the rest of the world atleast have one hub in each country.



Phase six would be the last phase. Here we would like to expand the company to not just a cargo company, but also be a passenger carrier. This is still in a very early planning stage, and depending on resources and how and when this planning becomes reality, could move this phase up depending on the above.

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